Insurer Bargaining Power: Markets With High Insurer Concentration and High Provider Concentration Show Decreased Hospital, Physician Fees – Health Affairs Study

In a recently published study in Health Affairs, the authors set out to determine whether insurers had the bargaining power to reduce prices for hospital admissions and physician visits (among five types of physicians).

The results confirm what the authors, had anticipated – that insurer bargaining power is strongest in markets with both high provider concentration and high insurer concentration.

The authors found that in markets where both insurers and providers were highly concentrated, insurers were able to reduce hospital admissions prices by 5%, and were able to reduce physician visit prices as well – e.g., cardiologist, radiologist and hematologist/oncologist visit prices were reduced by 4%, 7%, and 19%, respectively.

However, the study did not find evidence of insurer bargaining power on prices of visits to primary care physicians or orthopedists.  This lack of effect is “likely because prices for those specialties are not far out of line, so it’s very hard for payers to negotiate from a price that is not far out of competitive range,” according to comments made by study one of the study’s authors, Richard Scheffler, University of California, Berkeley, in a Medscape Medical News article (Scheffler co-authored the study with fellow UC-Berkeley health economist Daniel Arnold).

Conversely, the authors found that insurer bargaining power in markets with low provider concentration was not significant, because providers in those markets are already near the competitive level, thus leaving very little room for downward negotiation of prices.

The study examined the association between provider and insurer market concentration and provider prices, calculated from the Health Care Cost Institute’s medical claims database, from 2010 to 2014. Measures of market concentration were computed using the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), a common measure of market competitiveness used in the Horizontal Merger Guidelines of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

The authors note the rapid pace of consolidation of hospitals; from 1998 to 2015, there were over 1,400 hospital mergers in the U.S., 40% of which occurred between 2010 and 2015. Similarly, physician markets are also becoming concentrated “at an accelerated pace, with primary care physicians making the move from smaller to larger group practices faster than specialists.”

“The increased consolidation of provider (hospital and physician) markets and health insurance markets has garnered significant attention and led to calls for policy action to maintain and enhance the competitiveness of health care markets,” they note.

“Our results…suggest that insurers can bargain the prices down in highly concentrated provider markets,” the authors conclude.

However, “what is missing is a market mechanism that will pass these reduced prices on to consumers in the form of lower insurance premiums,” the authors note.

“Given the extreme concentration of the health insurer market, it is hard to imagine that many markets will be contestable and that competition will work to reduce premiums. Significant premium increases and the profits of the health insurance industry in recent years suggest that little if any of the benefits of insurer bargaining power are being passed along to consumers,” Scheffler and Arnold say. Nonetheless, “in the ACA Marketplaces, there is evidence that active-purchaser states are able to keep premiums down and stabilize their markets,” they note.

Overall, aside from insurers in some of the Affordable Care Act exchanges, insurers “are making a huge amount of money,” Scheffler says in the Medscape article. With market concentration, “medicine doesn’t improve, the quality doesn’t get any better, consumers don’t benefit, but the insurance companies’ stock prices go up.”

Thus, “it would seem to be only a matter of time before further intervention in and regulation of the health insurance market by state and federal legislatures, as well as private market innovation will accelerate.”

In the Medscape article, Scheffler proposes three potential avenues for change: First, the Federal Trade Commission should get more involved in investigating the pricing practices of highly concentrated markets. Second, states should more aggressively regulate premiums that insurance companies charge and ensure that savings are passed on to consumers. Third, large companies could bypass insurers and self-insure.

Hoping for increased competition in the insurance market is unlikely to be a fruitful option here, in light of increasing consolidation; as the authors rightly point out, other measures will be needed in order to bring relief to consumers. In particular, states should follow the lead of those that have moved to more aggressively regulate insurance premiums and ensure that savings resulting from increased bargaining power are passed on to consumers. Sky-high premiums continue to burden consumers; it’s time to hold insurers’ feet to the fire and make sure consumers aren’t the only ones still paying inflated prices.