About M2
M2 Health Care Consulting began by focusing on Medicaid and Medicare (M2). The firm quickly grew to providing services on a wide range of health care issues beyond the “twin payers.” M2 provides strategy, research, communications and training services to clients across the health care spectrum. M2 works on health care issues in all 50 states and has clients representing a range of for-profit and not-for-profit health care organizations, associations, state governments and investment firms.
Brenda Gleason, M.A., M.P.H
Health Care Futurist, State Health Policy Expert
Facilitator, Speaker, and Writer
Brenda is the President and Founder of M2 Health Care Consulting, a strategic policy and communications consulting firm with offices in Denver and Washington, D.C. M2 works on health care issues in all 50 states and has clients representing a range of for-profit and not-for-profit health care organizations, associations, state governments and investment firms.
Prior to founding M2 in 2005, Brenda co-ran a hedge fund focused on merger arbitrage in New York and was the Vice President of Healthcare Markets for Informed Decisions, the company that set-up the first point-of-care e-prescribing platform used by a state Medicaid agency. From 2012 to 2014, Brenda served as special adviser to the Rhode Island Health Benefits Exchange.
A frequent speaker on health policy, including health information technology, AI, and health care financing and delivery system reform, Brenda has been quoted as a health policy expert, in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Los Angeles Times, Crain’s New York Business, Managed Healthcare Executive, Pharmaceutical Executive, Healthcare Finance News, Journal of Oncology Practice, Washington Business Journal and Pharmawire (part of the Financial Times Group) among others. She is:
- co-editor of Essential Case Studies in Public Health: Putting Public Health into Practice by Jones and Bartlett Publishers,
- co-author of a chapter titled “Essential Characteristics of Service Business Model Innovation in Healthcare: A Case-Study Approach” in the book Service Business Model Innovation in Healthcare and Hospital Management from Springer International, and
- co-author of a chapter titled “Using Small Step Service Design Thinking to Create and Implement Services that Improve Patient Care” in the book Service Design and Service Thinking in Healthcare and Hospital Management from Springer International, and
- co-author of “State Policies to Expand Access to Telematernity,” sponsored by The Commonwealth Fund.
Brenda is currently adjunct faculty at the American University School of Public Affairs. She has taught several graduate level courses at the Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University and has guest lectured at the Boston University School of Public Health and the University of North Carolina Eshelman School of Pharmacy. She earned an MA from Boston College and an MPH from Boston University. She also completed graduate work in health policy at The George Washington University and the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.
Jennifer R. Bohn, M.P.H., M.B.A.
VP, Business Operations and Finance
Jennifer is Vice President of Business Operations and Finance at M2 Health Care Consulting, a strategic policy and communications consulting firm focused on health care with offices in Denver and Washington, D.C.
Prior to joining M2 in 2013, Jennifer worked at Deloitte for almost nine years, in several capacities. First, as a hospital consultant, Jennifer worked with multiple major hospital and health care system clients across the country. She subsequently managed the health policy research center for Deloitte for six years. Jennifer joined Deloitte from NYU Langone Medical Center where she served as a strategic and financial analyst for several years. Jennifer also has nonprofit experience, including working at Planned Parenthood of NYC as a grants manager in 1999. Jennifer is the co-author of a chapter titled “Essential Characteristics of Service Business Model Innovation in Healthcare: A Case-Study Approach” in the book Service Business Model Innovation in Healthcare and Hospital Management from Springer International.
Jennifer received an MPH from the Boston University School of Public Health and an MBA with a focus on nonprofit management from Columbia University.