Chronic Knee Pain: Internet-Delivered Exercise and Pain-Coping Skills Work Well for Patients, But Will Payers Cover It?
Chronic Knee Pain: Internet-Delivered Exercise and Pain-Coping Skills Work Well for Patients, But Will Payers Cover It?
Knee pain has increased in the past 20 years, and researchers have connected this increase to aging and obesity. Perhaps more importantly, the increasing prevalence of knee pain has led to a surge in knee replacements. This highlights the growing need for effective, accessible treatments to manage chronic knee pain on a population level. In light of this need, researchers at the University of Melbourne conducted a study of Internet-delivered exercise and pain-coping skills training.
The study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, found that for people with chronic knee pain, Internet-delivered, physiotherapist-prescribed exercise and pain-coping skills training (PCST) provide “clinically meaningful improvements in pain and function that are sustained for at least 6 months.”
The Internet-delivered interventions included seven videoconferencing (Skype) sessions with a physiotherapist for home exercise, a PCST program and educational materials, delivered over a period of three months.
At three months, the intervention group reported “significantly more improvement in pain” compared to the control group, Kim Bennell, Centre for Health, Exercise, and Sports Medicine, University of Melbourne, at al., say.
The intervention group also showed improved physical function versus the control group and improvements were sustained at nine months.
The intervention group also reported high levels of satisfaction, and had high rates of completion; 78% accessed the educational materials, with an average of 6.3 of seven Skype physiotherapy sessions completed, and an average of 6.4 of the eight pain management modules completed.
This study sheds light on an important challenge for the U.S. health care system; chronic knee pain, is “associated with significant disability and decreased quality of life,” as noted in an accompanying editorial by Lisa Mandl, Hospital for Special Surgery/Weill Cornell Medicine.
“With the aging of the U.S. population, the medical community has braced itself for a tsunami of elderly patients with chronic knee pain – a reasonable response to the projection that almost half of U.S. adults will develop osteoarthritis in at least one knee by age 85 years,” she says. In addition, 50% of people with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis are younger than 65.
“These patients will need effective pain therapy for decades,” Mandl says. “Because osteoarthritis currently has no cure, these demographic characteristics guarantee that a large and diverse cohort of patients will be seeking treatment for chronic knee pain well into the foreseeable future. Therefore, there is a clear and pressing need to identify effective, inexpensive, and low-risk strategies to improve pain and decrease disability in these patients.
The results are also interesting given that “existing therapies have many drawbacks,” as noted in this article on the study. For example, current treatments have adverse effects or may be “cost prohibitive,” and “non-pharmacological therapies, such as physiotherapist-directed exercise and pain-coping training, may be difficult to access, especially for those in rural areas.”
“These results are encouraging and show that ‘telemedicine’ is clearly ready for prime time,” the study authors say. “An Internet-based intervention circumvents multiple issues related to access to care, making this an inexpensive and easily scalable option for people living in remote areas or any location with an inadequate supply of health care providers.”
This study is an excellent example of evidence-based medicine; the Internet-delivered intervention is a low-risk approach that is clearly preferable to knee surgery, and one that improves access for patients, particularly those in rural areas. However, the key questions are: Will U.S. insurers pay for it? And will physicians be willing to perform this service?